It’s Not All About the Millennials! 3 Tips on Marketing for Baby Boomers

Business meeting about their marketing trend for the millennialsMost ad and marketing agencies, whether they’re in New York or Salt Lake City, will likely tell you that you need to focus your marketing strategy on Millennials. Get your business on social media! Your content should be catchy — it’s the only way to appeal to this new generation.

While the current population of Millennials (at 75.4 million) is certainly part of the reason ad agencies are falling to the trap of creating content that targets them, it would also do business owners good to focus on the generation that is second in terms of population: the Baby Boomers. As these 74.9 million boomers enter their post-retirement age, their spending habits and lifestyle are also evolving. Ad and marketing agencies should definitely craft and adjust tactics tailored to this generation, too.

Purchases take time

Boomers take a slower approach when making purchases compared with on-demand Millennials. Be prepared to put in significant time to make this generation trust your brand. Adjust your plan to make sure that they can identify with the product or service you’re selling and more often than not, a personal approach to sales will be crucial.

Avoid minimalist copy

Boomers also tend to want everything spelled out. Unlike Millennials, they don’t generally fall for visually pleasing copies that don’t explain everything about the product or service. Steer clear of shorthand texts and trendy acronyms. Instead, employ old-school copy-writing methods and be a little more straightforward with your message.

Don’t make them feel old

While there’s a need to be straightforward with your content, don’t take a stance that you’re explaining something completely new to them — therefore, making them feel irrelevant. Avoid over-explaining and over-simplifying. You want to entice them, not offend. Sell your product as if you would to a peer, without worrying whether they’d need an explanation for every new term that pops up in your copy.

While it’s true that Millenials are ideal targets, you shouldn’t forget the generation before them. Baby Boomers are a potential market, too.

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